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Sélectionner une fédération: Jordan (JOR)

Flag JOR
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Dernière mise à jour
11st Oldictionary Tournament-2024 Open
St 28 Jours 23 Heures
2بطولة اليوبيل الفضي للشطرنج للجامعات الاردنية فرقية
Rp 49 Jours 6 Heures
3Masters Chees Academy Tournament
Bz 52 Jours 1 Heures
42024 Individual Kingdom Age groups Tournament U14
St 64 Jours
52024 Individual Kingdom Age groups Tournament U12
St 64 Jours 1 Heures
62024 Individual Kingdom Age groups Tournament U10
St 64 Jours 1 Heures
72024 Individual Kingdom Age groups Tournament U16
St 64 Jours 2 Heures
82024 Individual Kingdom Age groups Tournament U10_F
St 64 Jours 2 Heures
92024 Individual Kingdom Age groups Tournament U12_F
St 64 Jours 2 Heures
102024 Individual Kingdom Age groups Tournament U20_F
St 64 Jours 3 Heures
112024 Individual Kingdom Age groups Tournament U16_F
St 65 Jours
122024 Individual Kingdom Age groups Tournament U20
St 65 Jours 23 Heures
132024 Individual Kingdom Age groups Tournament U14_F
St 66 Jours
142024 Individual Kingdom Age groups Tournament U18
St 66 Jours
152024 Individual Kingdom Age groups Tournament U8
St 66 Jours 2 Heures
162024 Individual Kingdom Age groups Tournament U18_F
St 66 Jours 5 Heures
172024 Individual Kingdom Age groups Tournament U6_F
St 66 Jours 6 Heures
182024 Individual Kingdom Age groups Tournament U8_F
St 66 Jours 6 Heures
192024 Individual Kingdom Age groups Tournament U6
St 66 Jours 7 Heures
20Final Stage Individual Kingdom Tournament -2024 Men
St 77 Jours 23 Heures
21Final Stage Individual Kingdom Tournament -2024 women
St 77 Jours 23 Heures
22First Classification Tournament-2024 Open
St 100 Jours
232nd Blitz Tournament- 2024 Open
Bz 109 Jours 1 Heures
241st JSCA Classified Rapid Tournament 2024
Rp 126 Jours 23 Heures
25 Individual Kingdom Tournament-Primary Stage -2024 U-2100
St 127 Jours 23 Heures
261st Rapid Tournament- 2024 Open
Rp 163 Jours 22 Heures
271st Blitz Tournament- 2024 Open
Bz 170 Jours 22 Heures
28Blitz Tournament - Open 2024 RCC
Bz 172 Jours 18 Heures
29بطولة المرحوم المهندس ادولف الصويص للشطرنج السريع U-18
Rp 190 Jours 14 Heures
30 birth of the master of the country Rapid ChessTournament Open
Rp 199 Jours 4 Heures
31First Grade Clubs Chess Championship-2023
St 199 Jours 4 Heures
32Second Grade Clubs Chess Championship-2023
St 204 Jours 3 Heures
33First Open Rapid Chess Tournement 2024- India Community
Rp 205 Jours 1 Heures
341st JSCA Classified Blitz Tournament 2024
Bz 208 Jours
35بطولة الشطرنج الخاطف الأولى للبنك المركزي الأردني 2024
Rp 219 Jours 7 Heures
36Rapid Tournament- 2024 Open
Rp 248 Jours 3 Heures
37بطولة الجامعات الاردنية للشطرنج السريع-2023 ذكور
Rp 271 Jours 10 Heures
38بطولة الجامعات الاردنية للشطرنج السريع-2023 اناث
Rp 271 Jours 10 Heures
394th Blitz Chess Tournament Capital Bank
Rp 276 Jours 3 Heures
40بطولة الشطرنج الخاطف لكليات جامعة عمان العربية لعام 2023
Rp 278 Jours 8 Heures
41تصفيات الاستقلال وسط ب -23 فردي -اناث
Rp 286 Jours 7 Heures
42تصفيات الاستقلال وسط ب اناث-23 فرقي-اناث
Rp 286 Jours 9 Heures
43تصفيات الاستقلال وسط ب -23 فردي-ذكور
Rp 286 Jours 13 Heures
44تصفيات الاستقلال وسط ب -23 فرقي -ذكور
Rp 286 Jours 13 Heures
45تصفيات دورة الاستقلال اقليم الشمال
St 287 Jours 8 Heures
462nd Blitz Tournament- 2023 Open
Bz 291 Jours 2 Heures
471st Blitz Tournament- 2023 Open
Bz 297 Jours 14 Heures
482nd Rapid Tournament- 2023 Open
Rp 353 Jours
492023 Jordan Seniors Chess Championship
St 359 Jours 1 Heures
50بطولة الطلاب لمديرية قصبة اربد المرحلة الأساسية الدنيا
Rp 364 Jours 9 Heures
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