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Изабери савез: Botswana (BOT)

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Последња измена
1RBBH U13,15,17
Rp 29 Дани 2 Сати
2RBBH U07,09,11
Rp 29 Дани 2 Сати
33rd Botswana International Youths and Cadets Chess Championships - Girls
St 47 Дани 19 Сати
43rd Botswana International Youths and Cadets Chess Championships - Open
St 47 Дани 19 Сати
53rd Botswana International Youths and Cadets Chess Championships - U8 Girls
St 47 Дани 20 Сати
63rd Botswana International Youths and Cadets Chess Championships -Under 12 Girls
St 47 Дани 20 Сати
73rd Botswana International Youths and Cadets Chess Championships - Under 10 Boys
St 47 Дани 20 Сати
83rd Botswana International Youths and Cadets Chess Championships -Under 10 Girls
St 47 Дани 20 Сати
93rd Botswana International Youths and Cadets Chess Championships - Under 12 Boys
St 47 Дани 20 Сати
103rd Botswana International Youths and Cadets Chess Championships - U8 Boys
St 47 Дани 21 Сати
113rd Botswana International Youths and Cadets Chess Championships - Cadets Rated
St 47 Дани 21 Сати
12FIDE Guinness World Record Attempt Chess Games - Under 12
Rp 58 Дани 2 Сати
13FIDE Guinness World Record Attempt Chess Games - Under 10
Rp 58 Дани 3 Сати
14FIDE Guinness World Record Attempt Chess Games - Under 8
Rp 58 Дани 3 Сати
15FIDE Guinness World Record Attempt Chess Games - Under 14
Rp 58 Дани 7 Сати
162024 Gaborone International Open Chess Championship- Ladies Section
St 63 Дани 5 Сати
172024 Gaborone International Open Chess Championship- Open Section
St 63 Дани 5 Сати
18Que Bar Blitz Sunday 2.4 Easy sunday
Bz 78 Дани 1 Сати
192024 Roscoe Bonna Fide Rated Blitz Chess Championship
Bz 78 Дани 9 Сати
Rp 79 Дани 4 Сати
St 93 Дани 4 Сати
222024 Alex Mpuisang Chess Extravaganza Under 13 Section Boys and Girls
Rp 111 Дани 6 Сати
232024 Alex Mpuisang Chess Extravaganza Under 07 Section Boys and Girls
Rp 111 Дани 6 Сати
242024 Alex Mpuisang Chess Extravaganza Under 09 Section Boys and Girls
Rp 111 Дани 6 Сати
252024 Alex Mpuisang Extravaganza Under U11 Section
Rp 114 Дани 5 Сати
262024 BCF Youth Chess Championship- Under 12 LadiesSection
St 139 Дани 12 Сати
272024 BCF Youth Chess Championship- Under 10 Girls Section
St 139 Дани 12 Сати
282024 BCF Youth Chess Championship- Under 8 Open Section
St 139 Дани 12 Сати
292024 BCF Youth Chess Championship- Under 16 Open Section
St 140 Дани
302024 BCF Youth Chess Championship- Under 18 Open Section
St 140 Дани
312024 BCF Youth Chess Championship- Under 14 Open Section
St 140 Дани
322024 BCF Youth Chess Championship- Under 12 Open Section
St 141 Дани 5 Сати
332024 BCF Youth Chess Championship- Under 8 Girls Section
St 141 Дани 6 Сати
342024 BCF Youth Chess Championship- Under 10 Open Section
St 141 Дани 6 Сати
352024 Metropolitan National Chess Championships Final- Ladies Section
St 148 Дани 9 Сати
362024 Metropolitan National Chess Championships Final- Open Section
St 148 Дани 10 Сати
372024 Metropolitan National Championships 2nd Qualifiers - Open Section
St 169 Дани 3 Сати
382024 Metropolitan National Championships 2nd Qualifiers - Women's Section
St 169 Дани 3 Сати
392024 Metropolitan National Chess Championship- Ladies Section
St 183 Дани 4 Сати
402024 Metropolitan National Chess Championship- Open Section
St 183 Дани 4 Сати
412024 SCSA Teams Chess Tournament
Rp 184 Дани 8 Сати
422024 National Team Selection Finals-Open Section
St 197 Дани 9 Сати
432024 National Team Selection Finals-Ladies Section
St 197 Дани 10 Сати
442024 Kiddies Development Chess Session - Under 10
Rp 205 Дани 5 Сати
452024 Kiddies Development Chess Session - Under 12 Boys and Girls
Rp 205 Дани 5 Сати
462024 Kiddies Development Chess Session - Under 14,Under 16
Rp 205 Дани 8 Сати
Rp 215 Дани 13 Сати
482024 National Team Selection 2nd Qualifiers-Open Section
St 218 Дани 5 Сати
492024 National Team Selection 1st Qualifier- Ladies Section
St 231 Дани 4 Сати
502024 National Team Selection 1st Qualifiers- Open Section
St 231 Дани 23 Сати
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