From the Chess archiv of Article: 601 from 12.03.1998, Category International
Newsletter to all European Chess Federations (12.3.98 von Prof. K. Jungwirth)
Graz, 12.03.1998
To the European Chess Federations
As announced I am sending you the proposal of amended statutes of the European Chess
Union worked out by a committee chaired by Mr. Rolf Linger.
Please send your remarks directly to Mr. Rolf Liniger, Riggenbachstraße 64, CH-4600,
Olten, tel. 0041-62/212 88 20, fax 0041-62-212 61 85
Kind regards
K. Jungwirth m.p.
European Chess Union
1.1. The European Chess Union (ECU) is a politically and confessionally
independent association and has its seat in . The association is subject to the national
law of .
1.2. The ECU intends to safeguard and further the interest of Chess in
Europe, as well as the interests of its members. It will co-ordinate the activity of the
members and organises continental championships. The ECU will represent the interests of
the members at FIDE and other international organisations.
2.1 Any national Chess Federation on the European continent as defined in
FIDE Statute Art. 2.1 or any other National Chess Federation belonging to a European FIDE
zone can apply for membership in ECU.
2.2 Other federations or international associations can be accepted as
associated ECU-members whiteout the right to vote.
2.3 Members who act against the interests of ECU or damage its reputation,
can be excluded from the Union. An exclusion has to be carried by two thirds of the votes
of an general continental assembly. The member in question is entitled to a hearing.
3.1 ECU‘s institutions and official are
- the Continental Assembly (CA)
- the Board
- the Secretary General (SG)
- the Auditors
3.2 The Board is empowered to nominate special committees and officials.
The board defines their duties and supervises their activities.
4.1 The CA is the highest auditory of ECU
4.2 The CA is composed of all member federations.
4.3 Associated members do not have the right to vote and may not represent
members with a right to vote. The may be present at GA as consultants.
4.4 Every member federation is represented by a permanent delegate or by
another person (proxy) who belongs to the same federation or is the representative
(permanent delegate or proxy) of another federation. If a member federation has not named
a permanent ECU-delegate of given a proxy, then the federations president represents the
4.5. A representative may represent only one additional federation beside
his own.
4.6 Each member federation has one vote.
4.7. The CA is competent to pass resolutions, if it has been convened
according to the statutes.
A quorum of 50% of the affiliated federations (including proxies) is
required for votes on elections and changes of the statutes. If the quorum is not
fulfilled, an extraordinary CA correctly convened immediately after this CA, may decide on
the subjects of the previous agenda regardless of the number of represented federations.
4.8. Votes are made orally, unless a majority demands a secret ballot.
4.9. Resolutions are passed by a majority of the votes, without counting
the abstentions.
4.10. Resolutions passed in the form of a recommendations are not binding
for the member federations.
4.11 Votes on elections are by secret ballot.
4.12. Votes on elections are decided in the first ballot by the absolute
majority of all votes cast. A second ballot is decided by a simple majority without taking
abstentions into account.
4.13 The regular CA is held once a year and is convened by the President
four months in advance.
4.14 The place and date of the CA is decided by the previous general CA or
the Board
4.15 Proposals from member federations to be included in the agenda for
the CA should reach the SG not later than three month before the beginning of the CA.
4.16. The agenda, together with the relevant documents, should be sent out
six weeks before the CA to the ECU-delegates or the presidents of the federations.
4.17. If the CA is scheduled to be held in connection with the
FIDE-Congress, the invitations shall be sent not later than two weeks after the invitation
to the FIDE-Congress. All delays are shortened in proportion.
4.18 An extraordinary CA is convened by the President upon request of one
third of the member federations or a majority of the Board. The CA shall convene within
one month of such a request. The agenda shall be sent out within two weeks of the request.
4.19 The President, or in his absence the Deputy President, presides over
the generals and extraordinary CA‘s.
4.20 The CA is competent in all affairs that have not been delegated to
another body of the Union.
4.21 The CA has the following duties that cannot be delegated to another
a. Election of the board and the auditors
b. Vote on the annual accounts and discharge of the board
c. Annual budget
d. Vote on the financial regulations
e. Change of statutes
f. Change of the tournament regulations
g. Vote on new memberships
h. Exclusion of members acting against ECU‘s interests
i. Other duties defined as non transferable by the CA or the statutes
5.1 The affairs of ECU are managed by the Board in the period between the
CA‘s, insofar as they are not delegated to another body without possibility of a
further delegation. Especially issues mentioned in Art. 4.21 are beyond the competence of
the board.
5.2 The Board consists of the President, the Deputy President, a
Treasurer, an official in charge of tournaments and up to 3 other board members.
5.3 The FIDE-Continental President of Europe is ex officio member of the
board. He may be elected to all functions including ECU president.
5.4 The term of office for the Board is four years, concurrently with the
term of the elected FIDE-officials.
5.5 The Board can elect from it‘s midst a steering committee. The
board will pass regulations concerning the powers of the said steering committee.
5.6 The Board may name a secretary general with administrative duties. The
SG is not a member of the board but is present at the board meetings without the right to
5.7 With the exception of the President and the Secretary General, the
members of the Board should belong to different federations.
5.8 The Board meets whenever the President deems necessary or when three
Board members call for a meeting.
5.9 Decisions to the Board require a majority of votes with at least four
Board members taking part in the voting. The President, or in his absence the Deputy
President, has a casting vote to establish a majority.
5.10 The Board can take decisions by letter or fax if no Board member
demands a meeting. Minutes of the decision have to be taken in both cases.
6.1 The Board names a GS who shall take care of current administration.
6.2 The GS is subordinate to the Board. The Board will pass regulations
describing his duties.
6.3 The GS is present at the board meetings, but without the right to
6.4 Additional personnel for the GS's office may be hired if the workload
makes it necessary and the financial situation permits.
7.1 The CA elects an auditor and a deputy auditor for a term of office of
four years. Re-election is possible.
7.2 The auditor or his deputy audits the accounts of the past year after
the closing of the annual account and reports in writing to the CA.
7.3 In his report he recommends to the CA either to accept the annual
accounts with discharge of the Board, or to refer the account back to the Board.
8.1 The board fixes the beginning of the financial year.
8.2 The ECU budget is based on the Swiss franc.
8.3 All ECU bank accounts shall be in name of ECU.
8.4 The annual budget of ECU shall be done by the treasurer before the
general CA and is subject to acceptance by the CA.
8.5 Each year the treasurer presents the final balanced account, subject
to acceptance by the CA.
8.6. For extraordinary expenses, not contained in the budget, a request
can be submitted to the Board. The Board may grant such expenses if they are in the
interest of the Union.
8.7 ECU's revenues come from:
- Membership fees
- Entry fees for tournaments organised by ECU or organised by mandate of
ECU (see art. 2.3.1 of the
Fees for services provided by ECU
- Other revenues
8.8 The amount of membership- and entry fees shall be fixed by special
regulations, subject to approval by the CA.
8.9 Members who have not paid their current fees, loose their vote at the
CA. The Board can exclude them from ECU events.
8.10 The officials working for the Union have the right to have reasonable
expenses reimbursed. The Board will formulate guidelines. Reimbursement of expenses going
beyond these guidelines have to be contained in a CA approved budget.
9.1 The CA decides the establishment of a permanent office at the motion
of the Board.
9.2 The official language of the ECU is English. In documents containing
versions in more than one language, the English version is official.
9.3 The ECU can be dissolved with a majority of three quarters of the
member federations. The CA decides over the assets of the ECU.
9.4 The statures may be changed by a CA convened according to Art. 4.7.
For changing the statures a two thirds majority of the cast votes is necessary.
9.5 Communication of the ECU shall be by letter of the Board to the
delegates, or in the absence of a delegate, to the president of the member federations.
The board may decide other forms of communication.
Financial Regulation
of the ECU
Pursuant Art. 8.8. of the ECU's Status the Continental Assembly issues the following
financial regulation:
1. General articles
1.1. The board fixes the beginning of the financial year (Art. 8.1. Statutes).
1.2. The ECU budget is based on the Swiss franc (Art. 8.2. Statutes).
1.3. All ECU bank accounts shall be in the 1.3. All ECU bank accounts shall be in the
Name of ECU (Art. 8.3. Statutes).
1.4. The annual budget of ECU shall be done by the treasurer before the general CA and
is subject to acceptance by the CA (Art. 8.4. Statutes).
1.5. Each year the treasurer presents the final balanced account, subject to acceptance
by the CA (Art. 8.5. Statutes).
2. Revenues
2.1. Membership fees
- Entry fees for tournaments organised by ECU or organised by mandate of ECU (see art.
2.3.1 of the
- Fees for services provided by ECU
- Other revenues
2.2. Annual membership fees
The annual membership fees for the coming year will be fixed at the annual CA together
with the budget for the coming year.
2.3. Entry fees for tournaments
2.4. The CA decides for which of the tournaments organised by ECU, respectively its
members, entry fees have to be paid, fixes the amount and decides on the distribution in
consultation with FIDE.
2.4.1. The CA decides which services rendered by the union are subject to fees.
2.4.2. Other revenues
The Board decides on the amount due for those services
2.5. Other revenues
The Board will word towards acquiring further revenues by sponsoring, marketing of
rights, etc.
3. Expenses
3.1. ECU's expenses follow the budget approved by the CA.
3.2. For extraordinary expenses if they are in the interest of the Union (Art. 8.6.
4. Final Regulations
4.1. Members who have not paid their current fees, lose their vote at the CA. The Board
can exclude them from ECU events (Art. 8.9 Statutes).
4.2. For a modification of these regulations, who represent a mere reproduction of the
statutes, the article 9.4 of the statutes, concerning a change of the statutes is to be
applied. For other changes of these regulations a majority of the votes is necessary,
without taking abstentions into account.
4.3. Execution and supervision of these regulations fall under the competence of the
board. Individual task can be delegated to the treasurer, the SG or a committee.