From the Chess archiv of Article: 597 from 02.03.1998, Category International
Newsletter to all European Chess Federations (2.3.98 von Prof. K. Jungwirth)
Graz, 2.03.1998
To the European Chess Federations
Dear chess friends,
In a few days you will receive the following documents important for chess on our
1. Invitations to the 14th European Club Cup 1998. Taking up proposals made at the
final 97 in Kazan we suggest a change of the system of drawing of lots for the final
tournament. If there are no major objections we shall adopt this format this year.
2. This suggestion included in an amended version of the European Club Cup regulations
to be submitted to the FIDE Congress in Elista.
3. A draft of regulations for a European Super League along guidelines already
published. If the European federations agree in Elista, this event will take place for the
first time in 1999.
4. Revised regulations of the European Juniors (Girls) and Youth championships worked
out by Mr. Vahesaar and Mr. Stubenvoll. To be submitted to the Congress in Elista.
All those documents will be circulated by Mr. Stubenvoll. If you want to make a written
statement please send it to me.
5. As we decided in Pula last year a committee chaired by Mr. Liniger has elaborated a
new version of the statutes of the European Chess Union. This text will also be sent to
you in about 10 days. Please communicate your opinion directly to Mr. Rolf Liniger, phone
0041 62-2128820, fax 0041 62-2126185.
All those texts are being circulated right now to give you enough time for study. The
proposed requirements for the organisation of youth events will follow when formulated by
Mr. Zwanepol and Mr. Krajcsovics. I shall be interested in discussing the matters with
European representatives at the Executive Council meeting in Portoroz and at the European
Youth Championship in Mureck. To my regret I am not able to attend a meeting proposed by
the Hungarian Chess Federation on their own. As I informed Budapest before invitations
were sent out I am detained in Austria because there are Presidential elections on the
same date in my country.
Let me remind you that FIDE is pressing for preparations for this year's Zonal
Tournaments. Their results will be relevant for the next World Championship to be held in
1998 or 1999.
Invitations to the European Championships 10-18 will be sent to you in the second half
of April.
Kind regards
K. Jungwirth m.p.