From the Chess archiv of Article: 271 from 24.06.1997, Category International
Newsletter to all European Chess Federations (24.6.97von Prof.Kurt Jungwirth)

Foto Jungwirth
Graz, 24.06.1997
Newsletter to all European Chess Federations
Dear chess friends,
The most important news: this year's FIDE Congress will be held in Kishinev,
2 - 10 September 1997. Invitations and information will be circulated by FIDE and the
organizers. Since there are no elections this yer we shall have enough time for our
European meetings.
Chess Club Kastav has hosted the final of the 2nd European Club Cup for
Women in Riejka. We congratulate the winning team, Chess Club Gosa Smederevska
Palanka. Kastav came second, Grandmaster School Kiev third. For the first time since the
war in Yugoslavia players from Serbia participated in a sports event in Croatia. Once more
chess prepared the ground for peace!
The pairing of the 13th European Club have been sent out by Mr.
Stubenvoll. The final will be organizide by Tattrangaz Kazan from 26th to 30th
November 1997.
At the World Team Championship scheduled 24th October to 5th
November in Lucerne, Europe will be represented by Russia, Ukraine, England, Switzerland
and the women's team of Georgia. Four more teams will come from the other continents. The
organizers were free to select one more team to have 10 competitors. They chose Croatia
for ins strenght and because of strong interest from many Croatians who live in
It is assumed there will be a World Championship Cycle 1998/99 simular to the present
one. That means that following opinions expressed in Pula I advised Zonal Presidents to
prepare zonal tournaments to be held in 1998.
As I announced at the Continental Assembly in Pula, Austria is making a bit to hold the
European Youth Championship 10-18 from 7th to 18th July 1998
in Mureck, 30 miles south of Graz close to the border Austria/Slovenia. There are no
financial contribtions from the players and accompanying persons who have the right to
participate. Under simular conditions there is annother bit from Russia for the city of
Ufa, rom 1st to 10th August 1998. Ufa is situated 2 hours by plane
east of Moscow (or 29 hours by train). A third offer comes from Baile Herculane, Romania,
May or June 1998 with 15 US$/day to be payed fro players and officail trainers, 30 US$/day
for supplementary players/trianers. We have to decide quickly. Please give me your
opinions (Austria was ready to host even thze World Championships 10-18 in 1998, however
an excellent bid from Spain with options for 1999 and 2000 was given prority by
Presidential Board an Executive Council.)
England has mad a bid to host the European Team Championship 1999. We shall deal
this matter in Kishinev.
I shall send out once more circular letters bevor the Congress.
Thank you for your attantion.
Kind regards