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Offene Damen-Staatsmeisterschaft 2000

Last update 27.07.2004 19:46:22, Creator/Last Upload:

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Final Ranking after 9 Rounds

Rk.SNoNameRtgIRtgNClub/CityPts. TB1  TB2  TB3 Rp
12WÖMSommer Sonja20542041El.percher/Mpoe Maria Saa73829,7552082
21WIMMira Helene21182118Bregenz737,528,7562074
35WMKLukan Dunja01848Slowenischer Sv Catrans6,537,525,0042042
43WFMHorvath Maria20361894Austria Wien640,526,5041967
58WMKHackbarth Christa01812Ranshofen637,520,0051996
64WMKSchwaninger Ulrike Dr.01892Sst St.leonhard54223,0031901
76WMKMurzek Marion01832Wien-Donaustadt44012,0031785
811Kopinits Silvia Mag.01608Wien-Ottakring3,539,514,0001760
99Vokroj Gabriela01792Austria Wien3,536,513,5021720
1010WMKKorp Kathrin01787Schachgesellschaft Graz33812,0011676
117WMKMolnar Monika018241.wr.neustaedter Sv2,539,58,5011621

Tie Break1: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (without one result)
Tie Break2: Sonneborn-Berger Tie-Break (with modified points, analogous to Buchholz Tie-Break)
Tie Break3: The greater number of victories