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Dreikönigsturnier 2019 - 4er Mannschaftsblitzturnier des SK Austria Wien

Last update 08.01.2019 12:23:51, Creator/Last Upload: SCHWAB RENE (S.C.Donaustadt)

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Ranking crosstable (Pts.)

Rk.Team12345678910111213141516171819202122232425 TB1  TB2  TB3 
1Austria 1 * 233344444344444444482,5430
2Tapolca 1 * 22233344444444444481430
3SC Donaustadt 1½ * 214334444444444479430
4Morenda22 * 2223444444444444478,5430
5Piranhas mortales2232 * 223233444334444444476,5420
6Mattersburg12022 * 233324444444469370
7Kreindl GmbH½122 * 14434444344468,5340
8Tapolca 211½2½ * 223234334434444464,5340
9SC Donaustadt 21½1111½ * 2232334444443459,5290
10Lukas und die heiligen 3 Königinnen0121322 * ½112332444456,5270
11Sz Favoriten0½½011022 * 3344434455,5300
12Ottakring Tigers010120131 * 1423344450,5240
13Austria 20½½0001213 * 32232433447,5280
14SC Donaustadt Jungstars0000001223 * 224443445,5220
15Pernerstorfer 11000000½11 * 1432224339,5190
16Tapolca 3 Jugend000010½1110123 * 13324437,5180
17Söchau00001½11½0220 * 222424334140
18Team Stadlinger0000000002022½2 * 3334432,5160
19Schachmatiker00000000½½0132 * 3333331,5150
20Pernerstorfer 2½0½00½½10½1102½1 * 224429110
21Tapolca 4 Jugend000000000½½½221211 * 2242590
22TU Newcomers000½00100½11002101122 * 2421,580
23Austria Wi(e)n0000000000½011022112½2 * 319,580
24Aristochess0000000010001½½000½02½ * 310,530
25Tapolca 5 Jugend000000000000001010100011 * 500

Tie Break1: points (game-points)
Tie Break2: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break3: The results of the teams in then same point group according to Matchpoints