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Last update 19.10.2005 18:45:52, Creator/Last Upload:

Final Ranking crosstable after 11 Rounds

Rk.NameRtgFED123456789101112Pts. TB1  TB2 
1GMStanec Nikolaus2566AUT*½½½½½½½11117,537,80
2IMNeubauer Martin Mag.2468AUT½*1½½½½½11½½737,30
3IMFreitag Manfred2402AUT½0*½½½½011116,532,50
4GMKindermann Stefan2546AUT½½½*½½½101½½632,30,5
5FMRagger Markus2434AUT½½½½*½½1½½½½632,30,5
6IMSommerbauer Norbert DI.2427AUT½½½½½*½½½½½16320
7IMWeiss Christian2429AUT½½½½½½*½½½015,530,30
8IMLehner Oliver2428AUT½½100½½*½½0½4,5260
9IMVolkmann Friedrich2429AUT0001½½½½*01½4,5230
10IMPilaj Herwig2425AUT0000½½½½1*1½4,521,50
11IMHoelzl Franz2363AUT0½0½½½1100*0422,50
12IMBaumegger Siegfried2411AUT0½0½½00½½½1*420,30

Tie Break1: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break (with real points)
Tie Break2: Direct Encounter (The results of the players in the same point group)