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GM-Turnier Ansfelden 2003

Last update 24.09.2003 22:45:09, Creator/Last Upload:

Final Ranking crosstable after 9 Rounds

Rk.Name12345678910Pts. TB1  TB2 
1IMStanec Nikolaus*½½1½½½1½½5,524,32489
2FMRoos Michael½*½½½½½½115,522,52505
3GMVarga Zoltan½½*½½½½½115,522,52491
4FMKnoll Hermann0½½*½½111½5,522,32511
5IMLehner Oliver½½½½*½½½1½521,52470
6GMLau Ralf½½½½½*½½½1521,32458
7GMUhlmann Wolfgang½½½0½½*½½½417,82378
8FMBaumgartner Heinz0½½0½½½*013,5152352
9WGMMoser Eva½0000½½1*½3122309
10FMKilgus Georg½00½½0½0½*2,511,52266

Tie Break1: Sonneborn-Berger-Tie-Break (with real points)
Tie Break2: Performance