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Armenien gegen den Rest der Welt

Last update 16.06.2004 22:00:59, Creator/Last Upload:

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Team-Composition with round-results

  1. Rest der Welt (RtgAvg:0, TB1: 18,5 / TB2: 7)
1GMVan Wely Loek2651NED10002680½00½½1,562513
2GMAnand Viswanathan2774IND50000171½1½0½3,562763
3GMSvidler Peter2733RUS410214211½½½½462831
4GMAdams Michael2731ENG400041½1½½½0362706
5GMVallejo Pons Francisco2666ESP2205530½½1½0½362706
6GMBacrot Etienne2675FRA605506½½½1½½3,562763
  2. Armenien (RtgAvg:0, TB1: 17,5 / TB2: 5)
1GMKasparov Garry2817RUS41000181½½½½½3,562762
2GMLputian Smbat G2634ARM1330002400½01½262580
3GMGelfand Boris2714ISR28056770½0½½½262580
4GMLeko Peter2741HUN703303½½1½1½462830
5GMAkopian Vladimir2689ARM13300032½001½½2,562648
6GMVaganian Rafael A2639ARM13300016½½½½½13,562762