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18th European Club Cup 2002

Last update 17.10.2002 21:11:04, Creator/Last Upload:

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Final Ranking after 7 Rounds

Rk.SNoTeamGames  +   =   -  TB1  TB2  TB3 
12Bosna Sarajevo76011227,5168,5
23Norilsky Nikel76011227167,5
35Polonia Plus GSM Warszawa75111130144,5
41NAO Chess Club75111124183,5
512Danko Donbass75021027157
69Kisela Voda Skopje75021026,5162
74Ladia Kazan74211026,5158
819Csuti Antal Zalaegerszeg7412926,5148,5
915Chess Club Alkaloid Skopje7412924,5170,5
106St.Petersburg LTG7412923172,5
1221SK Hohenems7403826137
1322ASA Shlomo Tel Aviv7322826133
1420Hapoel Cellcom Kfar Saba7403825126,5
1514Karpaty Galychyna7322824159,5
1618Napredak Sarajevo7322823,5145,5
1711Momot Regional Donetsk7403823167
1810CS Clichy7403822,5156,5
1923Chess Acad. DEI Northern Greece7403821173
2024C.A. Reverte Albox7322820163,5
2117SZ Rafinerija Novi Sad7313725,5137,5
2213Beer Sheva Chess Club7313724139,5
2325Schachfreunde Neukölln7313722,5138
2616Merkur Versicherung Graz7223621136,5
2732Boey Temse7223621127,5
2837C.R. des Echecs de Liege7304618,5133
2927Rochade Eupen7223617,5151
3033Chess Club Taraus7223617,5124
3128Hellir Chess Club7304617132
3229Sollentuna Chess Club7214518,5142
3330Corpora Lipovec7214517,5127
3635Joensu Chess Club7205417,5127,5
3740Istanbul Techn.Univ. SC7205415146
3826SC Die Klagenfurter7124414,5167
3942Cardiff Chess Club7124414116,5
4034Barbican 4NCL7034316,5131,5
4141Randaberg Sjakklubb7115314,5103,5
4343Crumlin Chess Club701618111

Tie Break1: Matchpoints (2 for wins, 1 for Draws, 0 for Losses)
Tie Break2: points (game-points)
Tie Break3: Buchholz Tie-Breaks (sum of team-points of the opponents)