Jumabayev, Rinat (2585) - Harikrishna, Pentala (2716)2023 FIDE Grand Swiss (Douglas), 02.11.2023
1.e4 c6 2.Nf3 d5 3.d3 dxe4 4.dxe4 Qxd1+ 5.Kxd1 Bg4 6.Be2 Bxf3 7.Bxf3 Nd7 8.g3 h5 9.Ke2 g6 10.Be3 Ngf6 11.a4 Ng4 12.Bd4 e5 13.Bc3 Bc5 14.h3 Ngf6 15.Nd2 Bd4 16.Bxd4 exd4 17.Nc4 Nc5 18.e5 Nfd7 19.b4 Ne6 20.h4 Rd8 21.Bg2 O-O 22.a5 d3+ 23.cxd3 Nd4+ 24.Ke3 Nxe5 25.Nxe5 Rfe8 26.f4 f6 27.Rac1 fxe5 28.fxe5 Rxe5+ 29.Be4 Kg7 30.Rc4 Nf5+ 31.Kf4 Rb5 32.a6 Rf8 33.Bxf5 Rfxf5+ 34.Ke3 bxa6 35.Rxc6 a5 36.bxa5 Rxa5 37.Rhc1 Rae5+ 38.Kd4 Rd5+ 39.Ke3 Rde5+ 40.Kd4 Rd5+ 41.Ke3
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