Lucas, Arthur (2412) - Ghazarian, Kirk (2466)SixDays Budapest January 2023 GM (Budapest, 1055 Falk Miksa u. 10. Magyar Sakkszövetség), 28.01.2023
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.b4 cxb4 4.d4 d5 5.exd5 Qxd5 6.c4 bxc3 7.Nxc3 Qa5 8.Rb1 e6 9.Bd2 Qd8 10.Bb5 Bd6 11.Ne4 Bc7 12.h4 Nge7 13.Nfg5 h6 14.Qh5 Ng6 15.Bxc6+ bxc6 16.Nxf7 Kxf7 17.Rh3 Rf8 18.Rf3+ Kg8 19.Qxg6 Rxf3 20.gxf3 Ba5 21.Bxa5 Qxa5+ 22.Kf1 Ba6+ 23.Kg2 Qf5 24.Qxf5 exf5 25.Nd6
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