De Varona Ortega, Omar Enrique (1509) - Castellanos Rodriguez, Renier (2474)
IV Torneo Internacional San Cristóbal de La Laguna TENERIFE DESPIERTA EMOCIONES! (La Laguna - Tenerife - España), 27.08.2022
[%evp 0,76,31,18,27,29,38,16,8,0,49,56,40,26,56,56,17,-12,-1,-39,-20,-61,-39, -36,-32,-53,-16,-93,-93,-99,-88,-71,-104,-120,-143,-148,-139,-163,-118,-118, -154,-172,-159,-213,-190,-425,-396,-396,-409,-444,-343,-419,-347,-395,-289, -445,-452,-433,-440,-432,-467,-479,-430,-430,-472,-479,-431,-488,-457,-491, -491,-764,-586,-1096,-1929,-1939,-29982,-29997,-29998]
1.d4 [%emt 0:00:04]
Nf6 [%emt 0:00:22]
2.Nf3 [%emt 0:00:11]
e6 [%emt 0:01:41]
3.g3 [%emt 0:01:58]
d5 [%emt 0:04:03]
4.Bg2 [%emt 0:03:29]
b5 [%emt 0:00:09]
5.O-O [%emt 0:08:11]
Nbd7 [%emt 0:02:10]
6.c3 [%emt 0:04:14]
c5 [%emt 0:04:09]
7.a4 [%emt 0:06:39]
b4 [%emt 0:00:34]
8.a5 [%emt 0:03: 22]
Ba6 [%emt 0:02:24]
9.Re1 [%emt 0:03:43]
Be7 [%emt 0:02:11]
10.Nbd2 [%emt 0:10:29]
bxc3 [%emt 0:03:12]
11.bxc3 [%emt 0:01:04]
O-O [%emt 0: 00:35]
12.Ba3 [%emt 0:04:28]
Rb8 [%emt 0:07:34]
13.Nb3 [%emt 0:05:43]
Qc7 [%emt 0:08:26]
14.Qc2 [%emt 0:10:27]
Rfc8 [%emt 0:02:13]
15.Nfd2 [%emt 0:05:05]
Bf8 [%emt 0:01:49]
16.e4 [%emt 0:08:32]
cxd4 [%emt 0:01: 34]
17.Nxd4 [%emt 0:03:21]
e5 [%emt 0:04:57]
18.Nf5 [%emt 0:04:03]
d4 [%emt 0:00:32]
19.c4 [%emt 0:04:26]
Bxa3 [%emt 0:03:17]
20.Rxa3 [%emt 0:00:15]
Qc5 [%emt 0:00:17]
21.Ra2 [%emt 0:02:30]
g6 [%emt 0:01: 23]
22.Qc1 [%emt 0:01:09]
gxf5 [%emt 0:00:38]
23.exf5 [%emt 0:00:39]
Kh8 [%emt 0:04:04]
24.Ne4 [%emt 0:00:48]
Qb4 [%emt 0:04:14]
25.Ra1 [%emt 0:04:15]
Bxc4 [%emt 0:05:26]
26.Qh6 [%emt 0:00:46]
Qf8 [%emt 0:01: 30]
27.Qh4 [%emt 0:00:45]
Nxe4 [%emt 0:00:24]
28.Bxe4 [%emt 0:00:22]
f6 [%emt 0:00:19]
29.Rab1 [%emt 0:01:36]
Nc5 [%emt 0:02:03]
30.Rec1 [%emt 0:01:08]
Nxe4 [%emt 0:02:02]
31.Qxe4 [%emt 0:00:14]
Rxb1 [%emt 0: 00:34]
32.Rxb1 [%emt 0:00:34]
Rd8 [%emt 0:01:19]
33.Qh4 [%emt 0:01:14]
Bd3 [%emt 0:00:46]
34.Rb7 [%emt 0:00:20]
Bxf5 [%emt 0:00:23]
35.g4 [%emt 0:00:09]
Bg6 [%emt 0:00:32]
36.Rxa7 [%emt 0:01:14]
d3 [%emt 0:00: 13]
37.Kf1 [%emt 0:00:47]
d2 [%emt 0:00:07]
38.Ke2 [%emt 0:00:12]
d1=Q+ [%emt 0:00:08]
The chess pieces created by Colin M.L. Burnett. are distributed under the terms of GFDL & BSD & GPL.