Feldgrösse (Pixel): 42 52 64 74 84

Lorenzon, Eduardo Lucas (2092) - Lima, Darcy (2507)

[%evp 11,96,0,0,0,-16,-293,-296,-318,-330,-454,-322,-313,-315,-319,-316,-320, -304,-267,-250,-382,-382,-402,-385,-384,-387,-380,-344,-297,-312,-319,-279, -279,-279,-294,-287,-278,-253,-249,-249,-277,-270,-333,-325,-457,-454,-448, -422,-393,-358,-566,-543,-568,-542,-819,-789,-799,-770,-764,-811,-783,-732, -825,-818,-840,-859,-808,-841,-752,-778,-868,-860,-859,-799,-841,-841,-962, -731,-862,0,-794,-719,-3186,-5086,-2208,-2516,-4133,-1835] 1.e4 Finkel,A e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Qg4 Nf6 5.Qxg7 Rg8 6.Qh6 Rg6 7.Qe3 Hoping for e5. C15: French: 3 Nc3 Bb4: Unusual White 4th moves. [ 7.Bb5+? c6 8.Qe3 cxb5-+ ]]
7...c5 [%cal Bc7c5,Bc5d4,Bd4c3][%mdl 32] [#] aiming for ...Nc6. 8.Nf3 [%mdl 8192] [Avoid the trap 8.dxc5? d4 9.Qd2 ( 9.Bb5+? Nc6-+ 9...dxc3 10.bxc3 Qxd2+ 11.Bxd2 Bxc5-+ ; 8.Nge2= and White stays safe. ; Predecessor: 8.Bd2 Nc6 9.Nge2 dxe4 10.Nxe4 cxd4 11.Nxf6+ Qxf6 12.Qd3 Bd7 13.Bxb4 Nxb4 14.Qd2 Nc6 ½-½ (79) Jobava,B (2596)-Dizdar,G (2525) Abu Dhabi 2003 CBM 097 [Finkel,A] ]]
8...dxe4-+ 9.Ne5 Black has a decisive advantage. [Much weaker is 9.Bb5+ Nc6 10.Ne5 cxd4-+ ]]
9...cxd4 10.Qh3 Qa5 11.Nxg6 dxc3 12.b3 [%cal Oh3h4] fxg6 13.Qh4 Be7 [Not 13...Nbd7? 14.Be2-+ ]
14.Bg5 Nbd7 [%cal Bb8d7,Bd7e5,Be5f3][%mdl 32] 15.g3 [ 15.Be2 ]
15...e3 16.Bxe3 Qd5 Inhibits Bg2. 17.Rg1 Ne5 18.Be2 Nf3+ 19.Bxf3 Qxf3 20.Qf4 Qxf4 21.Bxf4 Nd5 22.Be5 Bd7 23.O-O-O b5 [%cal Bb7b5,Bb5b4] [%mdl 32] 24.Rge1 [%cal Od1d5] Bc6 25.f4 b4 26.Bd4 Kf7 27.h4 [ 27.Be5 ]
27...h5 28.Re2 Nf6 29.Rde1 Bd5 30.Rg1 [ 30.Kb1 ]
30...Ng4 31.a4 bxa3 32.Kb1 Bf3 33.Ree1 Bb4 34.Rgf1 Bg2 35.Rg1 Bd5 36.Rd1 a5 37.Rge1 a4 38.bxa4 a2+ 39.Ka1 Rxa4 [%cal Og4f2] [#] Threatens to win with ...Nf2! 40.Rd3 Ra3 41.Bg1 Ra8 42.Bd4 Rc8 43.Rg1 Rc4 ...Ba3 is the strong threat. 44.Bh8 Rc8 45.Bd4 Be4 Black is clearly winning. 46.Rdd1 Bxc2 47.Rc1 Bb3 And now ...Rc4 would win. 48.Rgf1 Rc4 White did not feel at home in the position after the opening. Weighted Error Value: White=0.60/Black=0.11 (very precise)


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