Vahidov, Tair (2402) - Chia, Yu Zhe Ashton (1730)10.07.2019
1.c4 e5 2.g3 Sc6 3.Lg2 f5 4.Sc3 Sf6 5.e3 Lb4 6.Sge2 O-O 7.O-O Lxc3 8.Sxc3 d6 9.d3 Le6 10.Sd5 Tb8 11.Ld2 Se7 12.Sxf6+ Txf6 13.f4 Tf8 14.Lc3 Sg6 15.b3 c5 16.d4 e4 17.De2 Dc7 18.Tfd1 Tfd8 19.Tac1 b6 20.Td2 Tbc8 21.Tcd1 a6 22.Lh3 d5 23.cxd5 Txd5 24.dxc5 Txd2 25.Dxd2 Dxc5 26.Ld4 Dc6 27.Lb2 Tc7 28.Tc1 Dd7 29.Dxd7 Txc1+ 30.Lxc1 Lxd7 31.Lf1 b5 32.La3 Kf7 33.Kf2 Se7 34.Ke1 Sd5 35.Kd2 Ke6 36.Lc5 g6 37.Le2 Sc7 38.Kc3 Kd5 39.Lb6 Kc6 40.Lxc7 Kxc7 41.Kd4 Kd6 42.b4 Le6 43.a3 Ld5 44.g4 Lf7 45.Ld1 h6 46.h4 Le6 47.gxf5 gxf5 48.a4 bxa4 49.Lxa4 Lf7 50.Ld1 Le6 51.Lh5 Lb3 52.Le2 a5 53.bxa5 Ld5 54.a6 Lc6 55.Lh5 Ke6 56.Kc5 La8 57.Le2 Kd7 58.Lc4 Lc6 59.Le6+ Kc7 60.Lxf5 La8 61.Le6
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